2012年11月1日 星期四



Source: New Scientist TV

再次用google translate翻譯原文,寓誤樂於學習。

What happens to a dead body if it's dumped in the ocean? If large scavengers can't get at it, sea lice are likely to slowly devour it from the inside out. But if a carcass is left exposed, it will probably be ravaged by sharks, as shown in this dramatic video. 一具屍體,如果它在海洋中傾倒會發生什麼事?如果大量的拾荒者不能得到它,海蝨很可能會慢慢吃掉它由內而外的。但是,如果胴體暴露,它可能會被蹂躪的鯊魚,在這個戲劇性的視頻所示。
Captured at a depth of 300 metres in the strait of Georgia near Vancouver Island, Canada, the footage is part of an experiment led by Gail Anderson from Simon Fraser University in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada, that uses dead pigs as models for human bodies. It aims to examine decomposition in an area with normal oxygen levels, where a range of scavengers is likely to visit. In a previous study conducted in a nearby inlet, body decay was affected by low oxygen levels, restricting sea life that fed on the remains. 在深度為300米的加拿大溫哥華島,喬治亞海峽附近拍攝的畫面是蓋爾·安德森的帶領下從西門菲沙大學,加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省伯納比的,使用死豬模型,對人體的實驗的一部分。它的目的是檢查在正常的氧氣含量,其中一個拾荒者可能訪問的地區分解。在以前的研究在附近的一個入口,身體腐爛的氧氣水平低的影響,限制了海上生活,美聯儲的遺骸。
In this video, one of the carcasses was quickly visited by shrimp followed by a few small crustaceans that targeted its mouth and nose. Then a few hours later, a sixgill shark located the dead pig, attracting other sharks, which helped it devour the body within hours. Each of the three specimens filmed was eaten to varying degrees by the hungry predators. "Although it showed that sharks are common in this area, it didn't provide a longer-term understanding of tissue breakdown and invertebrate colonisation," says Anderson. 在這段視頻中,一個蝦其次是一些小的甲殼類動物,針對它的嘴和鼻子的屍體很快被訪問的。然後幾個小時後,一個sixgill的鯊魚位於死豬,吸引其他鯊魚,這有助於它在幾個小時內吃掉身體。每三個試樣拍攝的被吃掉了不同程度的飢餓的掠食者。 “雖然這表明,鯊魚在這方面,它並沒有提供一個長期的組織破壞和無脊椎動物的殖民了解,”安德森說。
In a new set of experiments, pig carcasses are deployed in pairs, leaving one exposed while the other one is caged to compare the difference. A video camera underwater has now been set up as a live stream: lights are turned on every 15 minutes, allowing the public and other researchers to follow the process. The most recent pair of pigs, deployed on 12 August, can currently be watched as they turn to bones. 在一組新的實驗中,部署在對豬殼,留下一個暴露的,而另一種是籠比較差異。水下的視頻攝像頭被設置為一個實況流:燈都打開,每15分鐘,讓公眾和其他研究人員遵循的過程。最近對豬的,部署在8月12日,目前可以看到,因為他們把骨頭。

2 則留言:

  1. With due respect, is it a bit cruel?

    Anyway, thanks for all previous scientific news ever since Hong Kong Economic Journal.

    Practising unqualified Accountant

    1. 係有點殘酷,你可以說自然殘酷,也可以說人類殘酷,為做實驗而殺豬。
