Connections involving two particular regions — the right anterior prefrontal cortex and the precuneus — were the best predictors for overall brain maturity, the team found. Neither region was a complete surprise: The prefrontal cortex is important for sophisticated cognitive control, including regulating behavior, adapting to new tasks and planning for the future. The precuneus is known to be a major hub for relationships between separate brain regions.
但係這些腦中的遠距離連繫和短距離連繫即是等於甚麼呢 ?
回覆刪除簡單來說,愈遠的 connection 愈能把不同的資訊和意念結合起來,這是較高層次的腦功能所要求的。
回覆刪除Science News 的報道這樣說:
Connections involving two particular regions — the right anterior prefrontal cortex and the precuneus — were the best predictors for overall brain maturity, the team found. Neither region was a complete surprise: The prefrontal cortex is important for sophisticated cognitive control, including regulating behavior, adapting to new tasks and planning for the future. The precuneus is known to be a major hub for relationships between separate brain regions.
回覆刪除據我理解,短的 connection 是 default,正如小時候認識的事和人都是圍繞着身邊的,長大後才學習去遠的地方,關心千里以外的世界大事,認識沒有血緣關係的伙伴和朋友。
近 = default
遠 = sophistication