好圖!但有個疑問,點解Wireless transfer speed係2000至2002年間突然跌咗咁多?仲要係跌凸到差過1996年?Bittermelon
原來一間 Metricom 公司 2001 年破產,它是最早提供無線上網的公司之一。另外,翻查圖片來源才發覺,圖中的 wireless 只計美國流動電話。
We won't expect too much of improvement in Battery capacity unless there is a fundamental breakthrough. As one of the insider of the trade has put it, a high density battery is in fact a bomb packed with too much energy waiting to explode.
好圖!但有個疑問,點解Wireless transfer speed係2000至2002年間突然跌咗咁多?仲要係跌凸到差過1996年?
原來一間 Metricom 公司 2001 年破產,它是最早提供無線上網的公司之一。
回覆刪除另外,翻查圖片來源才發覺,圖中的 wireless 只計美國流動電話。
We won't expect too much of improvement in Battery capacity unless there is a fundamental breakthrough.
回覆刪除As one of the insider of the trade has put it, a high density battery is in fact a bomb packed with too much energy waiting to explode.